Asih Resti Pratiwi

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Full Name: Asih Resti Pratiwi
Nickname: Asih
Sex: Female
Religious: Islam
Birthday: 10 Desember 1992
Address: -
Hometown: Tanjung Pinang
Mobile: -

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Welcome to the official Blog of science class 4 of number 1 high school in Tanjung Pinang, on this Blog you can find all the recent activities of science class 4 2008-2010 on school and outdoor. This Blog created on Friday 12 March 2009 since we on second grade and now we are in the third grade.

If there's any criticism and suggestion please leave it to the Guest book or send Mail here

copyright © 2009 Science 4

Class Structure


Wali Kelas :Bapak Jufris

Ketua Kelas :Muhammad Ibnu Rabbani

Wakil Ketua Kelas:Andy Kurniawan

Sekretaris :Shinta Arlinda

Wakil Bendahara:Nurmiza Putriana


New Year School had started guys! we are in third grade no!Study hard!

Almost forget about the Science of 4 Class Winner semester 2 ago:
2.Rio Bagus Pangestu
3.Rika Utari

The winner of the most pretty girl is: Tesa Hardianti
And the winner of the coolest boy is: Rian Riadi

Note: The most pretty girl and coolest boy definite from the vote result.

Congratulations to all winner!

Guest Book



This is Blog of science four number 1 high school in Tanjung Pinang, all photos and videoes exist in blog this given permission to publicized, if there denial or criticism and suggestion please send to Sebelasia4@ymail.comor in the Guest Book.
For our full disclaimer click here and here.
Science Class 4 © 2009 Lay Out by *Templates para Você* And Design by Muhammad Ibnu Rabbani